Shiatsu Therapy
Shiatsu is a therapeutic form of acupressure, muscle meridian stretching and corrective exercises derived from Japan. Shiatsu involves applying pressure to the body using a practitioner’s thumbs, palms, elbows, knees and feet. It is founded on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory that energy moves through channels within the body, known as meridians. Shiatsu practitioners aim to restore the balance of energy through meridians in order to promote health and strengthen the body’s healing abilities.
Shiatsu is a dynamic body therapy in which the therapist interacts with the receiver to restore balance in the energy system. Imbalance, that is, too little or too much chi, can manifest in various ailments, depending on which meridians are affected.
Like most natural therapies, shiatsu is based on the assumption that the body is a self-healing organism, and that the role of the practitioner is to aid and support that naturally occurring process. Shiatsu can assist an individual with their self-development and self-healing; balancing the underlying causes of a condition and addressing physical and psychological functions; promoting health and strengthening the body’s own healing abilities.
Susi Partridge
Shiatsu Therapist and Life Coach
Shiatsu Therapist, Life Coach, Ear Candling, Integrated Kinesiology
Member IICT
Susi has over 30 years of experience with Shiatsu therapy, clairsentience and meditation. Susi will connect with the energy system of your body to initiate deep and lasting healing, releasing the accumulation of stress and tension, that creates pain and inflammation.
Shiatsu therapy is a holistic healing practice rooted in traditional Japanese medicine. It works by gently applying pressure to specific points on the body, often along energy pathways called meridians, to encourage the flow of life energy or "chi" (also known as "qi"). Learn more ...​​​